software engineer


Howdy, I'm McCade.

I'm from Dawson Springs, KY: a runt of a town with little to do save for rural outdoor activities. Those were never really my bag, so I played a lot of video games. A path of computer science followed.

Since growing up and moving away, I've nursed an interest in other forms of art. When I'm not working or honing my programming craft, I like to catch up on classics I've not seen or read, write poetry for myself, go on musical jaunts with my synthesizer, ride my 1984 Trek 610, and--of course--play video games.

One day I hope to combine my interests and create interactive art I'm proud to share with the world. In the meantime, I'd like to sharpen my skills with increasingly complex tasks.

Got a grindstone?

Mobile:270 - 871 - 4097